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Why Apply


Demonstrate your leadership on gender-equality and yield benefits for your business

Gender Equality is not only a fundamental human right, but it also makes business sense. Is has been well-established that more gender-equal businesses benefit from increased productivity and profit. For example, recent research shows that gender-diverse companies outperform their peers by 21%


Beyond individual businesses, women’s full and equal economic participation also stimulates wider economic growth. By advancing gender equality in the Asia-Pacific, regional economies could add US$4.5 trillion to their collective annual GDP by 2025, a 12% increase over their business-as-usual GDP trajectory.²


Build credibility and fast track your sustainability agenda 

Participating in the WEPs Awards presents the opportunity to be visible for your stakeholders and shareholders. This is increasingly important as consumers demand more gender-inclusive approaches of companies and investors are holding their investees accountable for their sustainability measures. Gender equality is also fundamental to achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, recognized as an explicit goal and cross-cutting priority in all the Sustainable Development Goals.



Benefits to all applicants and members of the WEPs Community of Practice include:

  • Network of nearly 5,000 companies

  • Access to guidance on how to implement a culture of gender equity in the internal environment 

  • Use of a self-diagnostic tool which allows measuring the competitive advantages with the adoption of practices for gender equity 

  • Increased capacity for positive influence on the supply chain 

  • Participation in events to disseminate their practices related to gender issues 

  • Greater visibility of their practices 

Although applicants do not need to be WEPs signatories to apply, we encourage all applicants to become signatories. The WEPs form a powerful tool to help companies achieve gender equality throughout their value chain and establish credibility and trust with consumers, employees, and stakeholders. Learn more about the WEPs and click here to see which companies in your country have signed on to the WEPs. 


Awardees of the UN Women 2020 Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards will receive:

Free access to UN Women mentoring and training programmes

 that will help you assess your company’s progress on gender equality and implement a Gender Action Plan

Worldwide recognition and visibility through joint speaking and media opportunities in UN Women’s and WEPs Communication Channels, Events and Media 

A Company testimonial video and WEPs Awards Champions Profile featured on UN Women communication and  media channels 

¹ Power of Parity: Advancing Women’s Equality in Asia Pacific. McKinsey Global Institute 2018.
² Ibid.

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The views expressed throughout this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of UN Women, the United Nations, or the Australian Government.

©2024 UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.

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