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UN Women 2021 Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards:
Meet the Regional Judges

Dr. Atnike Nova Sigiro
Dr. Atnike Nova Sigiro, Chairperson of the National Commission on Human Rights
Dr. Atnike Nova Sigiro is the Chairperson of the National Commission on Human Rights since 2022. With 24 years of experience as academic and women’s rights defender, she has been instrumental in advocating for responsible business practices. Over the course of her career, she held a number of key positions including Executive Director of Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan and . She holds a doctorate in Social Welfare from Universitas Indonesia and a master’s degree in Social Policy and Development from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

H.E. Mr Denis Chaibi
H.E. Mr Denis Chaibi, Ambassador of the European Union to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam.
H.E. Mr Denis Chaibi is the Ambassador of the European Union to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam. He is a senior diplomat in the European External Action Service (EEAS), having served in Nicosia, Washington DC and most recently in Colombo as EU Ambassador to Sri Lanka and the Maldives.
He previously worked as a trade expert and as the administrator for the EU's relations with India in the European Commission. He has been a member of Commissioner K. Georgieva’s private office and the head of the task force for the JCPOA in the EEAS.
In parallel, Mr. Chaibi taught courses on international relations at the Brussels Free University, Boston University, and Yale University, where he was the EU fellow in 2003- 2004. He holds degrees in Law, International Law, Political Science, European Studies and a LLM from Cambridge University.

Dra. Eko Novi Ariyanti Rahayu Damayanti, M. Si
Dra. Eko Novi Ariyanti Rahayu Damayanti, M. Si, Leading advocate for gender equality and women’s empowerment in Indonesia.
Dra. Eko Novi Ariyanti Rahayu Damayanti, M. Si is one of leading advocate for gender equality and women’s empowerment in Indonesia. As the Assistant Deputy for Gender Mainstreaming at the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, she spearheads numerous national initiatives aimed at promoting the gender and social inclusion of women across various sectors mainly in education, health, family resilience, climate change and environment. With decades of experience in public service, Ibu Eko Novi has contributed significantly to the development and implementation of programs that enhance women's access to education, health, and economic opportunities. She holds a bachelor degree in Politic Science in Jakarta and master degree in Gender Studies in University of Indonesia. She also appointed as co-chair of G20 Empower during 2021-2023 in the last G20 Presidency in Indonesia.

Gita Syahrani
Gita Syahrani is convener for collective action with experience in corporate law, public and private sectors, civil society, and movement-building. In 2016, she supported the establishment Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari Secretariat (LTKL) and became its Head of Secretariat (2017-2023). During this period she led the team to work on restorative economy models with 9 district members and convened collective support of more than 200 partners. For this, she was recognized as a Henry Arnhold Fellow by Mulago Foundation, Asia21 Fellow, Ashoka Fellow and won the 2023 Climate Breakthrough Award to support her next endeavors. She currently heads the Executive Board of the Earth-Centered Economic Coalition (Koalisi Ekonomi Membumi), became an Advisory Board of LTKL and founded BLESS foundation in 2024. All efforts consistently aim for nation-wide adoption of a restorative economy through collective actions ignited by love.

Jim Toar Matuli
Jim Toar Matuli, Acting Executive Director of the International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID)
Jim Toar Matuli is currently the acting Executive Director of INFID – International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development. He comes with 30 years of Operations and Finance experience across a range of Humanitarian, Development, and Advocacy work and has served as Chief of Cowater Indonesia Office in 2022. Jim holds a bachelor's degree in accounting from Universitas Airlangga, and a master's degree in accountancy-Corporate Control and Risk Financial Management from University of St. Thomas, Opus Business College, Minnesota, USA.

Dr. Muhammad Setiawan Kusmulyono
Experienced researcher on entrepreneurship, mentor in business, and full-time lecturer with a track record of accomplishments in the business school and SME sectors. Proficient in social services and community work, with a doctoral degree in socio-rural entrepreneurship. I am currently serving as Universitas Prasetiya Mulya's Director of Undergraduate Program, overseeing curriculum, S1 Management study program, and the nurturing of students' global entrepreneurial mindsets.

Simrin Singh
Simrin Singh has officially assumed her duties as the new Director for the ILO Country Office for Indonesia and Timor-Leste on 15 February 2024.
The ILO Country Office for Indonesia and Timor-Leste has a new Director, Simrin Singh, who is a national of the United States of America. Previously, she served as the Director for the ILO Country Office for Sri Lanka and the Maldives for six years from 2017 to 2023.
Singh joined the ILO in 2000 in Tanzania, focusing on child labour and forced labour elimination for Anglophone Africa. In 2003, Singh moved to ILO headquarters in Geneva, continuing her work on child and forced labour, supporting programs in South Asia and globally. She then served as Senior Specialist on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (2008-2017), based in the ILO Regional Office for Asia and Pacific, in Bangkok, Thailand.
Singh holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology and Sociology from Connecticut College in the USA and a Master’s Degree in International Development Studies from The George Washington University, USA.

Vitasari Anggraeni
Deputy Director of Policy for Southeast Asia at Women’s World Banking
Vita is Deputy Director of Policy for Southeast Asia at Women’s World Banking, where she designs and leads the implementation of policies aimed at increasing women’s financial inclusion in collaboration with policymakers and regulators.
With over 15 years of experience in the private sector and international development, Vita brings a wealth of knowledge to her role. Before joining Women’s World Banking, she spearheaded financial inclusion and local economic development initiatives in DFAT-funded projects and managed partnerships with government, private sector, and international organizations, such as Grab, Facebook, Awantunai and Amartha, while with the UN Global Pulse Lab - Asia Pacific. Vita started her career at Bank Mandiri, where she served as a product manager for digital banking.
Vita holds a Master of Arts in International Political Economy from the University of Groningen.

2020 Judges
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